In Patches we covered Pet Care with visits from a therapy dog, a family of rats, and some tadpoles. We traveled to the Rainforest and made a felt tree frog and blue morpho butterfly.
The Sixties found us dancing with streamers and rapping paper plate tambourines. Innovative little boys found that their tambourines made better racing objects as they flung them along the floor.
Our bulbs that we planted in March finally bloomed! Cool.
Soccer season for us ended. We had only winners, and Z got his trophy for participation from Coach Rosa.
The City yard had it's open house. We enjoy seeing (and getting into) the many vehicles and learning about ways to help the environment. The freebies are always a plus... a polo shirt, a bag made from recycled plastic bottles, a rubber duckie and toy trash truck, and lady bugs for the garden.
My suggestion to new parents. Save money on toys. Get boxes.
(And apparently they can be used to ambush the enemy...)
Our boxes have even become sleds for zooming downstairs (the strongest are the ones that once held melons). Invest in a box.
We also went to our first ball game.
The Angels were playing the Tampa Bay Rays. Between the food and the fireworks, it held our interest for about an hour.
Whew! I think that's it. I'm starting to learn how to use dpn's (double pointed needles). Hopefully for July I'll have made a pair of leg warmers with my dpn's.