Wednesday, January 24, 2007

One Day

It was a great day.

We had lunch at McDonald's, and he got a red hummer toy. He ate two grape tomatoes, 4 chicken nuggets, french fries, milk, and a cookie.

We held hands in the kitchen and danced to country music. I twirled him back and forth as we danced and laughed.

We made smoothies together. He added the yogurt, the milk, the bananas he cut himself, and the raspberry in syrup. I whirled it together, and we split our creation. I said, "Oishii!" And taught him what it meant in Japanese.

He "washed" dishes beside me, having fun pouring soapy water through a funnel.

We put together his new 101 Dalmations puzzle which we found at the Salvation Army for 50 cents.

We played preschool, Disney's online preschool (so awesome!).

He got a Rolo and later some mini M&Ms for going shi-shi and NOT complaining about it.

He took a bubble bath.

I read him a story starring Mickey Mouse and Goofy (that I also got from the Salvation Army).

Then daddy and I kissed him goodnight.

I wonder if my son will remember.


Anonymous said...

He will always remember the love and fun. :)

Anonymous said...

You have to be smart to do this mom job.

Anonymous said...

mcdonalds has grape tomatoes?

Anonymous said...

He will remember. Any child that is
treated with respect, dignity and love can not help but remember and
feel special everyday.
